Microdiversity of Phenol Hydroxylase Genes Among Phenol-Degr
关键词:microdiversity, phenol hydroxylase, horizontal gen... 发表时间:2008-01-01
Microdiversity of Phenol Hydroxylase Genes Among Phenol-Degr
关键词:microdiversity, phenol hydroxylase, horizontal gen... 发表时间:2008-01-01
Effects of root exudates of wheat stressed by different Cd c
关键词:Germination, Root exudates, Stressed by Cd, Vegeta... 发表时间:2008-01-01
A Study on the Characteristics of Phosphorus Removal in Sequ
关键词:sequencing batch reactor, submerged biofilm proces... 发表时间:2008-01-01
System Design Approach Using Ultraviolet and Ozone for Waste
关键词:ozone UV Ultraviolet waste water reuse municipal w... 发表时间:2007-11-01
A study on separation of organics by pervaporation
关键词:pervaporation membranes separation of organics 发表时间:2007-03-01
Selective oxidation of ammonia over copper-silver-based cata
关键词:Selective ammonia oxidation Nitrogen Copper Silver... 发表时间:2007-01-01
Decolorization of synthetic dyes and production of manganese
关键词:decolorization filamentous fungi manganese-depende... 发表时间:2007-01-01
Repeated use of MgNH4PO4·6H20 residues for ammonium removal
关键词:Acid dipping Ammonium removal MAP Reuse Wastewater... 发表时间:2007-01-01
Hunters Probability Method Applied to Determine Water Supply
关键词:design second flow frequency of fixture use water ... 发表时间:2007-01-01
Arsenic(V)removal with a Ce(IV)-doped iron oxide adsorbent
关键词:Arsenic removal Adsorption Groundwater Iron oxide ... 发表时间:2006-03-01
关键词:细胞生长相 细胞预处理 COD去除 COD吸附能力 Cu2+吸附... 发表时间:2006-02-01
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